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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数3096  更新时间:2006/11/27 13:58:58  文章录入:clcl  责任编辑:clcl




  妙美系列产品是根据当今世界高新纳米生物科技原理,采用纳米真空流破壁粉碎技术研制而成,内含绞股蓝、壳聚糖、螺旋藻、麦素、分解酶、灵芝、天然菌、蔬菜、水果等主要成份。富含人体所需的高纤维素、蛋白质及多种维生素A、B、C、D、E等适量微量元素钙、铁、锌等和21种氨基酸,脂肪分解酶。按照营养学、中医食疗理论、人体生物学、生物医学工程技术和最新科技配方精致而成。绝不含色素、防腐剂和药物,是一种纯天然低糖、低热、低脂肪的绿色营养食品。已通过国家各项检验标准认证,各项检测指标均达到世界领先水平,并获得中国历史上唯一的国家权威机构颁发的“减肥食品发明专利证书·ZL 01108538·X”及“世界华人发明专利技术金奖”。“第二届亚博会发明专利技术金奖”等多项殊荣。

The introduction of the high cellulose and green slim nutritious food series of Miao Mei

The MiaoMei series products are researched and produced by the technologies of nanometer and nanometer and vacuum current breaking the cell wall and smashing according to the high-technological nanimeter and biological science theory in the world nowadays.It contains Gynostemma pentaphyllum、chitosan、spirulina、mexoryl、clastic enzyme、ganoderma lucidum、natural mushroom、It contaible and fruit etc,it also contains the necessary high cellulose、protein,many vitamins such as A、B、C、D、E and appropriate microelements such as calcium、iron、zin and 21 aminoacids,lipolytic enzyme to the human body.

         The product is made with extra care according to the nutriology.the diet therapy of traditional Chinesethe body biologybiomedical engineering technology and the latest high technology and the latest high technology.It is the completely pure natural green nutrition food with low sugarlow quantity of heatlow fat without the pigmentbaxin and drugs at all.The MiaoMei brand product has passed many national inspection standard authentications,and every inspection index can get to the leading level in the world,it is the only one who won the”nvention and patent certification of slim food·ZL 01108538·X”by the national authority institution in the Chinese history,as well as it won many laurels,for an instance,”he golden prize of the Chinese invention patent technology”and “he golden prize of invention patent technology in the secondary Asia expo”.


                          美施可A绿色天然营养冲剂                                                        美施可C多

                 妙美玉菌营养胶囊                            妙美玉菌膳食纤维素                   妙美泡腾片(片剂型)


                    妙美玉菌营养胶囊                                                妙美玉菌超高纤维绿色营养冲剂   


           曲仙灵芝营养胶囊                              曲仙灵芝营养冲剂                             曲仙灵芝营养胶囊

 大黄按摩膏(Rhubarb massage cream)                 溶脂紧实收紧胶                           能量深层溶脂塑身膏





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